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Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
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1. Episiotomy - A surgical incision made in the perineum (the area of skin between the vagina and the anus)
2. Amniotomy ("Breaking the Bag of Water")
3. Induced labor.
4. Fetal monitoring.
5. Forceps delivery
6. Vacuum extraction.
7. Cesarean section
clean towels, blankets, washcloths and buckets of water
most woman opt for some sort of sitting or squatting position.
Support her through early labor
the transitional phase of labor urge to really PUSH
Support the babys head as it comes out of the vagina
Once the head is out it usually roates a bit to one side.
With the next push, one shoulder will emerge then the other.
Once the shoulders are out keep supporting the baby and lift it very slightly toward the mother's stomach, the rest of the body will come out easily
the baby will be slippery
Dry the baby and Keep the baby warm.
As long as the baby is breathing — it should be obvious, most babies cry at least a little upon contact with their new atmosphere — it should be placed directly onto its mother’s chest immediately.
The baby, at this point, will still be attached to its mother via an umbilical cord. There’s no need to detach it
Do not mess with the placenta
The final stage of delivery is when the placenta comes out its the most dangerous part if your not a medical professional because it can lead to hemorrhaging.
The point is that after birthing a baby the uterus needs to contract in other to separate the placenta from the inside of the body.
It can happen within ten minutes after birth or take up to an hour - is a "gush of blood"
Firmly massaging the stomach after this which will probably hurt her a little will help slow down the bleeding.

Congratulations! You birthed a baby!

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